board meeting

Jul 30, 2023
The Somers District 29 Trustees met Monday, July 24, for the monthly board meeting. There
was no public comment from visitors in attendance.
Trustees approved last month’s meeting minutes with one correction reflecting the additional
student attendance request that was approved. Superintendent Price reported on the
happenings within the busy district office. Last year's financial records are now closed, and a
new budget is being prepared for approval at the August board meeting.
In light of several vacancies at Lakeside Elementary School (School Counselor, Librarian,
Special Education teachers), there was a significant discussion between trustees, teachers in
attendance, and Superintendent Price. Trustees acknowledged how the teacher shortage,
housing barriers, and low wages impact the district and state. For example, one applicant who
had moved to the area from another state declined an offered position when the salary was
$20K lower than expected. Superintendent Price has listings in many job listing services and
plans to have a booth at the Office of Public Instruction job fair this week. Administrators will be
meeting with staff to explore all ideas to help fill these gaps should they remain when school is
in session. If you know anyone interested in employment in our district, please have them
contact Joe Price (
The parking lot project at Lakeside is still on schedule and within budget, even with some delays and unexpected soil issues to contend with. Future meetings for August are scheduled as follows:
● Regular Board Meeting - August 14th, 6 PM, Somers Middle School (SMS)
● Policy Committee Meeting - August 16th, 3 PM, SMS
● PR Committee Meeting - August 17th, 3 PM, SMS
The consent agenda was approved. Best wishes, Mrs. Ames, as you leave the district for
another opportunity. Thank you, Mr. Johnson, for your time invested in the Drama program at
SMS. The long-standing agreement with Bigfork Public Schools to offer bussing for students on Fennon Way remains.
Several single action items were approved. Welcome to the district as a full time aide, Mr.
Louden. We are glad you are here. Trustees completed a survey from the Montana School
Board Association (MTSBA) and approved renewing the MTSBA membership. This membership has provided significant value to the district in keeping our policies current and offering legal advice when necessary. Substitute teacher pay was increased to stay aligned with approved staff contracts.
A lease for on-site daycare has been tabled. Though the original idea to offer on-site daycare
was in response to teacher requests and could provide a strong incentive for teachers with
young children to remain in the district, teachers and trustees expressed concerns about the
proposal. Though the lease was generous, the provider was offering services that were too
expensive for teachers to utilize. Trustees have asked Superintendent Price to approach the
provider to talk through better rates for teachers and details surrounding lease length, rent, and
food fees. Trustees also asked Mr. Price to consider reaching out to other childcare providers
regarding interest in the space. Superintendent Price will report back in August.
Did you know our district also has a mission statement? This is what our district strives towards
every day: The mission of School District 29 is to empower all students to acquire the
skills, knowledge, and mindsets necessary to reach and expand their potential, and to
prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate
members of society.
The Trustees also approved district core values based on parent and staff survey results and
board work sessions. These core values represent how we envision achieving our mission
They are:
● Pursue excellence
● Safe environment
● Collaborative community
● Be Accountable
● Respect
● Advocate for all
These core values and the mission statement help us to focus on what is important to the
families, community, students, and staff of the district as we make decisions.
Expenditures and payroll were approved. The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.
We hope you are enjoying your summer and look forward to the start of school on September
5th. Please check the district calendar for up-to-date information on fall sports, open houses,
supply lists, and other helpful information.
Thank you for letting us serve as your trustees.
Jesica Swanson
Board Chairperson